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Grads & HIPAA

Offering at No Cost to Graduates!

Do you have a college-bound child going off to school in the fall? Now that your child is an adult (18 or older), you can no longer make health care decisions for him or her. If there is a medical emergency, whether at college or on spring break (or even at home), your child has no one to make decisions on his or her behalf and that can mean time delays in getting medical attention. By having legal documents in place, such as Advance Health Care Directives and a HIPAA Authorization and Waiver, you can avoid this situation entirely, relieving uncertainty, conflict, and time-sensitive issues.

Advance Health Care Directives:

Advance Health Care Directives give your named health care representative(s) (i.e., parent, sibling, grandparent) the power to make medical decisions and sign consents or releases with hospitals and doctors. It also acts as your living will for end-of-life decisions and designates a conservator in the event one is needed.

HIPAA Authorization And Waiver:

The HIPAA Authorization and Waiver is a “stand-alone” document to authorize your health care providers to give, disclose, and release, without restriction, all individual identifiable health information (governed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 42 U.S.C. 1320d and 45 CFR 160-164) and medical records regarding any past, present, or future medical or mental health condition to a designated individual(s) to act on your behalf (i.e., parent, sibling, grandparent) in the event you are disabled.

If you are a recent graduate or know someone who is, these documents are a necessity. It is important to have proper planning in place, even at a young age.

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